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I don't claim it's anything other than a personal preference but I strongly prefer longer hair. I can count on about two fingers the times I've thought short hair looked better than long hair or even just appealing. But, like I said, I'm not making some wider claim other than it being personal preference. This gets into the issue about how much preference is driven by prejudice, and is it reasonable to expect people to be able to "do the work" and alter their preferences. I don't know for sure, I would guess maybe there's some movement that can be done but mostly we should let people have preferences. There are some icky conclusions but it could be worse. In the extreme cases it becomes obvious that we shouldn't call lesbians bigoted for not wanting to be with trans women.

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I’m kind of with Sarah and Meghan on this. Short hair isn’t necessarily bad(to me), but she has to have a really pretty face to pull it off. The problem is that for every movie star that looks great with shorter hair, there are a lot of women who…..are not so fortunate. I find myself feeling the same way with fashion to the very limited extent that I notice it.

The blue hair/sjw correlation is undeniable at this point and certainly doesn’t help either haha.

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Short hair is a disaster. I think Halle Berry looks strange in short hair. Definitely not an appealing look.

As men, we need some kind of signal to tell us what is and is not in the target zone. Particularly in an era where I did not wear glasses regularly, I literally recognized women by their hair. Having hair that looks like it might be a man's hair or a child's hair is a false flag. Not cool.

And then the short hair thing because very associated with lesbianism, and then all the queer nonbinary whatever whatever. I don't think it's some act of bigotry against Katie Herzog to say that most men are looking for a woman who is really obviously heterosexual.

But from a male perspective, hair loss is such a major part of life and it kicks in relatively early for most men. For people who actually have functioning hair follicles to not grow their hair out kind of seems like they're mocking us. Luxurious locks are a privilege. Why would anyone deny that?

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FYI, many if not most women lose a ton of hair starting in their 40’s (early menopause) and it starts to look very mangy and dirty if you try to keep it long. We don’t lose it in a “pattern” that is so noticeable like men but all over severe thinning is common. Particularly if your hair is fine and straight, there just isn’t enough mousse and fluffing in the world to keep it long.

Also, busy moms.

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My hair is turning all gray from perimenopause, but the gray hair is kinky and thick.. so my hair is looking kind of thicker (yay) but crazy/unkempt (boo) no matter how much I brush it.

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That makes me wish for some gray. Mine used to be very fine but thick so I could torture it into something. Now it’s fine and thinner and blech. It just lays there and mocks me no matter what I do to it 😂. It’s still long because I like to put it up but it’s about time to start chopping!

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Sure, and hair loss is common with some autoimmune diseases as well. And cancer treatments.

The short hair is still aesthetically unappealing. What you're pointing out is simply that people who are older and less healthy are generally less sexually attractive than younger and healthier people, which makes sense.

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