on nov 3rd ibram kendi said something retarded about american history. i quote-tweeted him and called him out on his stupidity. it was so elementary a mistake i laughed.
kendi responded and said "you know, that's a really good point."
1) i was shocked how nice and gracious he was. he's not a bad guy
on nov 3rd ibram kendi said something retarded about american history. i quote-tweeted him and called him out on his stupidity. it was so elementary a mistake i laughed.
kendi responded and said "you know, that's a really good point."
1) i was shocked how nice and gracious he was. he's not a bad guy
2) his assertion was pretty dumb. i remember thinking it's something i might have said when i was 8 years old
Genuine, non-hostile, purely curious question: this recent thing where some people have started saying “retarded” again—is it just the way you would normally speak, or is to make a point? (There’s a lot of overlap between people who say “retarded” and people who are trying to bring back “gay” as we used to use it.)
Because I’m 35, and we definitely would talk like that growing up, but at some point people just sorta stopped saying it—I don’t remember ever being *forced* to stop saying it either, just seems like it kinda melted away—and it just hasn’t really occurred to me to start talking like that again.
It doesn’t offend me at all, but I do still find it jarring. So yeah, just wondering!
I used to use it all the time as a kid, mostly to refer to the stupid shit my younger siblings were up to, and I miss it because it was the most appropriate descriptor.
I'm excited it is coming back as they are still at it.
I'm all about bringing back the term retarded. I never stopped using it. Thought it was absurd to remove it from everyday parlance. "Retard" I'm more hesitant to use publicly, but it's perfectly fine to say among friends, and I imagine very few people ever use it nowadays in an attacking way against someone with developmental disabilities. Besides, we hardly ever use the term "retarded" in a clinical sense anymore anyway, so it's become just like "idiot." The word kind of watered itself down.
on nov 3rd ibram kendi said something retarded about american history. i quote-tweeted him and called him out on his stupidity. it was so elementary a mistake i laughed.
kendi responded and said "you know, that's a really good point."
1) i was shocked how nice and gracious he was. he's not a bad guy
2) his assertion was pretty dumb. i remember thinking it's something i might have said when i was 8 years old
Genuine, non-hostile, purely curious question: this recent thing where some people have started saying “retarded” again—is it just the way you would normally speak, or is to make a point? (There’s a lot of overlap between people who say “retarded” and people who are trying to bring back “gay” as we used to use it.)
Because I’m 35, and we definitely would talk like that growing up, but at some point people just sorta stopped saying it—I don’t remember ever being *forced* to stop saying it either, just seems like it kinda melted away—and it just hasn’t really occurred to me to start talking like that again.
It doesn’t offend me at all, but I do still find it jarring. So yeah, just wondering!
I used to use it all the time as a kid, mostly to refer to the stupid shit my younger siblings were up to, and I miss it because it was the most appropriate descriptor.
I'm excited it is coming back as they are still at it.
I prefer to use the noun "fucktard" instead of "retard". I go back to the original modifer "retarded" but have not used "fucktared".
I'm all about bringing back the term retarded. I never stopped using it. Thought it was absurd to remove it from everyday parlance. "Retard" I'm more hesitant to use publicly, but it's perfectly fine to say among friends, and I imagine very few people ever use it nowadays in an attacking way against someone with developmental disabilities. Besides, we hardly ever use the term "retarded" in a clinical sense anymore anyway, so it's become just like "idiot." The word kind of watered itself down.
i use retarded IRL
i don't use gay as much because that seems much less precise