A Special Place In Hell
A Special Place in Hell
Trump Found Guilty, Podcasters Hardest Hit

Trump Found Guilty, Podcasters Hardest Hit

Plus, g*nder and spanking

In a devastating turn of events, the girlx/womxn were FORCED to prepare for this week's recording in order to discuss the Trump verdict with a modicum of intelligence. The deck was stacked against them. Nevertheless, they persisted.

Then, a brief update on G*NDER: the U.K. officially bans the use of puberty blockers in gender dysphoric kids, thereby denying life-saving care to 7-year-olds who have the wrong taste in clothing. Will England's TERF surf ever reach America's shores?

Finally, a discussion on child abuse, in which the girlx land squarely in the "pro-spanking" camp, and reveal that they had both been spanked as children by their mothers. (Though Sarah's mom sounds a lot scarier.) Does this explain their hatred of women?

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