A Special Place In Hell
A Special Place in Hell
BrieBrieBlues: Briahna Joy Gray Firing, Texas Abortion Laws, Touching Women

Paid episode

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BrieBrieBlues: Briahna Joy Gray Firing, Texas Abortion Laws, Touching Women


The girlx/womxn begin this SUBSCRIBER ONLY EPISODE with another fascinating update on Miscarriage Guy™, who they are NOT obsessed with, why do you ask??

They then move on to the unjust firing of a BIPOC womxn at the hands of (you guessed it) ZIONIST SHILLS and mourn this fallen heroine, who is bound to move onto bigger things through the sheer force of her eye rolls.

Finally, the ladies wonder what a woman has to do to get a non-consensual touch around here.

<plea for cash here>


Wood From Eden
Confessions from an unpleasant woman
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